I would like to believe that one day, somewhere, someone will understand that if truth is beauty, then beauty is shoes. So I continue to clang on about the right to Choos, the politicians who most annoy me, the sports teams who sometimes entertain and therefore only mildly aggravate me, the fractured fairytales that come from somewhere over a very weird rainbow in my head - and naturally, the books that have carried me through the roughest patches of growing up (still happening, trust me). It is something I will always do, but I seem to find myself going deeper into the water these days. Talking about the demanding, contrary, troublesome - what's that word again? - difficult things which we'd all like to sweep under Donald Trump's hair.
Then, of course, there is the mushy stuff. I make no apologies for it; and it looks to have a few fans, here and there. Besides which, if you stare hard enough, there's a naked photo in amongst the gratitude and love. Really really.
A difficult woman
Sometimes hurts her friends when she don't mean to
A difficult woman
Makes it hard for the ones she loves
It's easy to do.
Why the name of the site? I have always had a big, big love of Paul Kelly, and in particular of - you guessed it - his song, that the inimitable Renee Geyer sings with heartbreaking truth, A Difficult Woman.
These days, I am probably less difficult in some ways than ever before in my adult life. So maybe this is a celebration of the fact I am able to say that. Maybe it's just because it's a truly cool name. And maybe it's because, being a difficult woman, I like saying I'm difficult, and making it a strength, not something tiresome. A celebration of being something other. So, apart from the usual nonsense, there are interviews with authors, reviews of books from those authors who don't want to speak to me - quite possibly because of said reviews - and links to my real life writing. The Lois Lane, fact-filled, no-nonsense kind.
Difficult stuff. But then what would you expect from a difficult woman?